Trends of AI: Webinar Recap

JEI is excited to share a recap of our recent webinar focused on demystifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs). In just 30 minutes, attendees gained invaluable insights into the transformative potential of AI and dispelled common misconceptions surrounding this revolutionary technology.

JEI Tech Hosts Webinar: Trends of AI & Their Impact on the Workplace

This upcoming webinar is focused on delving into the five pivotal trends shaping the AI landscape and is also aimed at dispelling common misconceptions surrounding this revolutionary technology. In an age of unprecedented uncertainty, AI will empower businesses and individuals alike to navigate the complexity of the digital age with confidence, providing clarity and insights where there once was ambiguity.

What to do after a cyberbreach

Stressed man overlooking computer

What to do after a cyberbreach? Halloween has come and gone, but we have a truly petrifying tale to tell. It involves every business that collects customer data and honestly, it could happen to you. A cyber breach is nobody’s idea of a fun day at the office, but what do you do if it […]

Why are small businesses a huge target for cyber attacks?

Warning sign, with the writing "Why are small businesses a huge target for cyber attacks?"

Your small business holds a wealth of information, not just for you but for cybercriminals. All your customer data and financial information – can be worth a pretty penny to those looking for online profit. Larger companies tend to have stronger security which makes it more difficult to gain access to their platforms. This isn’t your fault, and there are steps you can take to better protect yourself.

The Anatomy of Phishing Email

Laptop displaying a phishing email, with the writing "The Anatomy of a Phishing Email"

Phishing emails are a common tactic used by cybercriminals to steal sensitive information from unsuspecting victims. This is also one way that your business and all the data within it can be hijacked if the right measures aren’t taken and implemented across your whole team.

Are your passwords unique?

Virtual Shield with the writing "Are your passwords unique?"

If you’re using the same set of passwords or even the same one for every aspect of your online life, we’re here to tell you to stop. There should not be one password to rule them all. This leaves you vulnerable if there is a security breach, opening up your entire online world to cybercriminals.